
✨ Summary

SprieSDK exposes certain methods through SprieSDK window object. All methods (except Init) are authenticated and need you to initialize Sprie with a valid api-key first.

Method Reference

🍩 Methods

  1. Init({apiKey})
  2. Load (sku)
  3. CheckSKU (sku)
  4. CheckSKUBatch (skuArray)
  5. Unmount ()
  6. GetSprieLink (sku)



SprieSDK.Init( {apiKey:'xxx-xxx-xxx'} );

Must be called only once for apiKey authentication.
NOTE: Internally we cache the authentication and tokens and handle subsequent auths.


apiKey : string - apiKey received from Sprie Cloud


Events: SprieEvent:onAuthLoading, SprieEvent:onAuthDone, SprieEvent:onAuthErr, SprieEvent:onSDKReady, SprieEvent:onSDKErr

Load (sku)

SprieSDK.Load( 'your-product-sku' );

Call when you want to load a new asset on Sprie AR. Only SKU should be provided.


Events : SprieEvent:onAssetLoading, SprieEvent:onAssetLoadOk, SprieEvent:onAssetLoadErr

CheckSKU (sku)

SprieSDK.CheckSKU( 'your-product-sku' );

(optional) Can be called to check if the product is registered with Sprie or not. For bulk assets, refer to CheckSKUBatch. Should be used after authentication is done.



Response Example

{"my-precious-product":true} true signifies my-precious-product exists with Sprie and can safely be loaded.

CheckSKUBatch (skuArray)

SprieSDK.CheckSKUBatch( ['your-product-sku', 'your-product-sku2'] );

(optional): Can be called to check if an array of product SKUs is registered with Sprie or not. Should be used after authentication is done.



Response Example
	{ 'your-product-sku': true }, // this sku exists
	{ 'your-product-sku2': false }, // this doesn't

Unmount ( )

SprieSDK.Unmount( );

Removes current instance of SprieSDK from website. This action is stateless, which means, refreshing the page will re-mount it again.

SprieSDK.GetSprieLink (sku)

Fetches the share link of the product (with the product page), typically to share it via an app, or show a QR code. this link appends sprie-sku query param with the given sku which helps Sprie Widget to open automatically.